Faculty Services

Academic Integrity Resources

Faculty use of Turnitin.com in Brightspace, research guides, how to check students’ completion of Academic Integrity Tutorial.

Adjunct Faculty Guide

Download the entire Adjunct Faculty Guide.

Awards & Grants

CASE Professor of the year, Teacher of the Year and Teaching Enhancement Grants.

Brightspace Information

Brightspace start of semester procedures, tutorials, and resources.

Brightspace Workshops

Calendar and descriptions of upcoming workshops.

CTE Advisory Group and Faculty Liaisons

Full list of group members.

Class Observations

Contact a faculty liaison for an observation.

Faculty Development

Consultations, teaching resources, and workshops.

Faculty Resources Regarding Students with Disabilities

Guidelines, testing accommodation forms and teaching accommodation strategies.

First-Year Faculty Mentorship

Networking, scholarship and collaboration.

Instructional Technology Services

Brightspace workshops and more services available.

Online Course Evaluations (OCE)

Current OCE calendar, history and resources.

Writing Center Services

FAQs, student referral form, services request form and online resources.

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